Better late than never. The D Day finally came after much hoopla, the previous time. A historic decision, I must say; by the Lucknow Bench of Allahabad Highcourt. The verdict is totally based upon facts and I am glad that it has come out the way it should have.
2/3 of the 3 land parts divided have been given for the Ram Janm Bhoomi cause and the rest One-third to the Waqf Board. Hindu Mahasabha takes one part and the other goes to Nirmohi Akhada.
Meanwhile, MIT is seeing a 2 day holiday as the whole of Karnataka is seeing. Today and tomorrow remain off days in light of the verdict. Section 144 of IPC in action today at most of the places in India. To my surprise, even MIT got it. :)
Anyway, nice developments throughout the day. Its late already. Shubhratri!!!
Jai Shri Ram!!!